Review Sony DVP-NS700P Progressive-Scan DVD Player

Sony DVP-NS700P Progressive-Scan DVD Player

Sony DVP-NS700P Progressive-Scan DVD Player

Sony DVP-NS700P Progressive-Scan DVD Player features:

Equipped with both progressive scan (with 3-2 pulldown) and digital video equalization, the Sony DVP-S700P DVD player makes your favorite movies come alive. Progressive scan output delivers a higher scan rate (480p) than traditional DVD players–which interlace the frames rather than scan each separately–making film images appear more intensely lifelike when seen on a HD-compatible TV. Digital video equalization optimizes the picture quality of these images, allowing the user to seek the best video option between factory preset and custom settings. Other options include a digital video enhancer, which improves the contrast and picture detail, and block noise reduction, which minimizes the data noise that often interferes with DVD images. The unit also includes a 12-bit/54 MHz video digita

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