Buy Sony DVP-NS55P/S Single Disc DVD Player, Silver

Sony DVP-NS55P/S Single Disc DVD Player, Silver

Sony DVP-NS55P/S Single Disc DVD Player, Silver

Sony DVP-NS55P/S Single Disc DVD Player, Silver features:

Sony’s DVP-NS55P/S delivers excellent picture and sound quality–even from damaged discs. How? The unit’s Precision Drive 3 system allows you to playback some DVDs that may have been damaged or warped without a degradation of picture quality. This feature comes in handy when watching rentals or other heavily used discs.
Precision Cinema Progressive
While other DVD players detect image changes at the scan line level, Sony’s Precision Cinema Progressive (PCP) system detects them at the pixel level. This makes the picture more faithful to the source–whether film or video–because the technology uses separate, optimized algorithms to handle the differing pixel behavior. It also uses separate algorithms to process the moving and still parts of an image, resulting in sharp backgrounds with movi

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